Poegles Places

Filed Under Poegles 

A fine poegle that describes a ‘place and time’ that people commonly experience as magical.  Enjoy…

Dusk in the Desert

Dusk flattens the desert, removing its shapely forms. 

The desert sky painting a scenic picture, 
the sun setting behind the mountains, reflecting in colors of red, pink, and orange.

Dusk brings shadows and images hidden to daylight. 

I am surrounded by the desert in a film noir atmosphere.

The rocks & hills change color as if by magic. 

The sun rushing towards the dusk through the desert dust storms

As dusk descends, camels take you to a Bedouin tent where you will dine, sip Bedouin tea, and listen to folklore songs played on the oudh. 

On those nights on my hilltop, the white moon that had lurked in the late afternoon, would transform.

The first evening we arrived in Death Valley we immediately went for “a little explore” and found ourselves an hour later standing on a little overlook.

Though he didn’t ask for his lot in life, he accepted it…

“You’ve finally awoken.” You brush the sand off your eyes, as you’re greeted by the face of a rough but sweet-looking girl.

A woman practicing yoga at dusk in the desert.

Kit foxes are most often seen at dusk in open desert. They are the size of a house cat, with agility to match. Fur-covered toes give them traction.

A service for honest critiques for the aspiring photographer.

A Desert Scrapbook: Dawn to Dusk in the Sonoran Desert.

-Heather in NH (search phrase: “dusk in the desert”)


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