A Moment Like No Other
Sitting at ringside for the next big boxing event just won’t be the same.
This is truly our lucky day for we are here to live it. This is a moment that is like no other. We traveled by bus from Brooklyn, New York; “in terms of its historic magnitude,” we waited a lifetime for a moment like this.
This was very obviously no Colgate moment. More a Kodak moment for their would be no repeat, in other words. We owe all of them for this moment. … that are part of their lives and no big deal, For young blacks and other, to those rare politicians like Lyndon B, you could hear, where these and others were going
His diploma in one hand, his classmates embedded in his heart, the beauty and inspiration of a reunion like no other: It was a moment in time … As the hour drew near for Barack Obama to be sworn in as this nation’s 44th president, it’s impossible not to suffer from a bit of whiplash trying to capture the meaning of this moment that would be like no other.
Donna in Napoleon, Ohio (search phrase: “A Moment Like No Other”)

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