Happy Thanksgiving, Poeglers.
We like to imagine you, sitting back in your chairs, full to the gills with holiday foodstuffs and filled as well with great mirth.  You are the happy geniuses of your household, to borrow a phrase.
On this finest of American holidays we want to thank you for your poegling efforts.  In answer to this week’s Friday Poegle Contest theme, “lost in space,” we received a couple of fine submissions.  This week’s winner is Lauren in Wisconsin, who must have been inspired by recent events when she composed the very kooky poegle, From the Shuttle Window.  It’s so remarkably nutty that we wonder whether Lauren has ever been employed by NASA herself, or whether she’s ever made a long drive in a space diaper.  Perhaps she’ll try out her new jump rope in zero gravity!
Honourable mention goes to Jeff in Massuchusetts, for the chilly poegle, On the Moons of Jupiter
Poeglers, as you digest the stuffing and gravy and try desperately to get the cranberry stains out of your britches, please consider participating in this week’s Friday Poegle Contest.  We offer up to you a new theme for the week, “brothers and sisters”.  We’ll accept poegles composed on any subject related to the theme.  All entrants will have the opportunity to win the prized plastic segmented jump rope.  As always, we look forward to your entries on this or any theme under the sun.  Have a great week, poeglers, and remember: keep on keeping on.
-The Editors

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