Lost in space

Filed Under Poegles 

NASA reports that one of the astronauts working on the International Space Station lost a tool kit in space today while doing some maintenance during a spacewalk.  The astronaut, Heidemarie Stefanyshyn-Piper, was ‘disheartened’ to lose the tools, which included a grease gun and some other kit.  The best part of the news item from the Associated Press is this: “In other space station business Wednesday, the astronauts hooked up some of the gear that was delivered by Endeavour, including a new recycling system for turning urine into drinking water.”  Yum!

This ABC article suggests odder things than grease guns have been lost in space.  Astronaut Piers Sellers apparently had a bizarre little mishap on one of his 41 spacewalks:  “Sellers lost a spatula on one of his spacewalks. He called it his favorite spatula.”  Poegles.com wonders- a spatula?  Was he making a grilled cheese?

Here at Poegles.com, our network of obsessions includes space and space travel.  Here’s a fine poegle from the vault.  More in the ‘Outer Space’ category in our collection.

Obscure Constellation

Apart from a few double stars,
There’s little of interest.

Rarely figures
In discussions of seasonal signs.
Looking nothing more
Than like a traditional
Old coat hanger.
Residing in a relatively empty
Area of the sky.

Invented by the Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius,
But gained its prominence
Through a book by Adalai Stevenson.

Recognized as an altar, pyramid-temple,
Ship, eagle, emu, serpent and even
The Southern Cross.

Unless you were born under the sign,
It’s likely you have not
Spent much time there.

The freezing nights passed in a small
University observatory
Doing photometry
Of a dim heavy nova.


-search phrase “Obscure Constellation”


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